Leoni Township Treasurer
Marcia King
Email: treasurer@leonitownship.com
If you are paying your Taxes or Utility bill via on-line please allow 5-7 days for payment to reach us!!
Leoni Township now accepts credit/debit card payments for Taxes and Sewer/Water bills.
There will be a 3% fee that is charged by the company that processes your card.
This can be done in the office or online @ http://is.bsasoftware.com/
Summer Taxes
Summer taxes are sent out the first week of July and are due by September 14th without penalty or interest. Beginning September 15th through September 30th a 1% interest charge will be added. An additional 1% per month will be added on the 1st of each month to the unpaid balance.
Partial Payments
Leoni Township will accept partial payments of taxes.
Deferment of Summer Taxes
The law provides that beginning September 15th, a 1% interest be paid. However, these taxes may be deferred without penalty until February 15th, for any taxpayer who is a senior citizen 65 years of older, totally and permanently disabled, or otherwise eligible whose household income does not exceed $40,000 per year. Applications for the deferment are available at the Treasurer’s Office and must be returned to our office by September 14th.
Winter Taxes
Winter tax bill are sent out the first week of December and are due February 14th without penalty or interest. Beginning February 15th to February 28th a 3% penalty will be added. Beginning March 1st all taxes must be paid to the Jackson County Treasurers Office located at 120 W. Michigan Avenue. Please contact the Jackson County Treasurer for your balance, at (517) 788-4418
After receiving your bill review it carefully. Please make sure that your Primary Residence exemption percentage is correct. If a correction is needed, please call the assessor so that an adjustment can be made by the July or December Board of Review, (517) 764-4694 ext. 301.
Mortgage companies, Title Company or Income tax preparers requesting tax bill information will need to fax or E-Mail a request, Fax # 517-764-1380 e-mail sdunckel@leonitownship.com
Sewer/Water Bills
Sewer Payments are due quarterly as stated on your sewer bill. Any account with a balance not paid by June 30th by 5pm will be placed on your winter tax bill with a 10% penalty.
Tax Deferment
If you are 62 and have a income of $40,000.00 or less you qualify for a deferment of you property taxes.
( summer of 2016). Please click this link for a application.
Dog Licenses
All tags are now issued through the Jackson County Treasurer. For more information please call 788-4418
If you are having troubles making your property tax bills Please click the link below .
Contact Information for the Leoni Township Treasurer's Office
Please send all payments to:
Leoni Township
913 Fifth Street
Michigan Center, Mi 49254
WE NO LONGER HAVE A P.O. BOX, please be sure not to use, your mail will be returned by the USPO.