Payment Information

Escrow Accounts

Please check to see that your mortgage company is coded correctly on your tax bill. If you have an escrow account and this tax bill is coded with letters in the field marked Mortgage code this means your mortgage company has requested your tax bill.If there are no letters coded on your bill this means your bill has not been sent to your mortgage company. Therefore, enclose one copy of this tax bill with your next mortgage payment. Please let your mortgage company know that postmarks are not accepted. Our office must be notified by your mortgage compnay in order for us to make any changes to your account, unless we receive written notification from the homeowner.


Checks are accepted only as conditional payment of taxes. If your check is not honored by the bank, the tax is considered unpaid and will be restored to the tax roll without further notice. A service charge will be applied to checks returned from the bank. Failure to send or receive such notice shall not in any way prejudice the right to collect or enforce the payment of any tax.

It is always helpful to write your telephone number and proper tax ID number on your check. Payment will be recorded on the date received…..NOT the date written on your check. If paying by mail and you wish to receive a receipt, you must include a self addressed stamped envelope along with your entire bill.

Statement of right to appeal/Primary residence only:
You have the right to appear at the July and / or December Boards of Review for Primary Residence and agricultural exemptions. Call the office of the Assessor to make these appointments.

Partial Payments of Taxes

Leoni Township will accept partial payment of taxes. Contact the Treasurers Office anytime to arrange a payment plan.

Sewer Payments

Sewer Payments are $45 and are due quarterly as stated on your sewer bill. Single family resident costs are $180.00 per year.

NOTE: All delinquent bills not paid by August 31st will be placed on the winter tax statement.

Tax Receipts

Tax receipts are available for taxes paid in the current year or for any previous year. Please call the Treasurer’s Office to research the information.

Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Payments

IFT tax bill due dates are September 14th and February 14th. These tax bills are payable only at the Leoni Township Office. Failure to pay these on time could jeopardize your IFT status.

Department Menu

Contact Information
Tax Information
Payment Information
Property Tax Estimator
MI Dept. of Treasury
Treasurer Duties